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My first experience of a Reiki treatment happeWendyned early in the year 2004 at a weekend retreat in which I was very heavily involved. On day two of the retreat, I suddenly felt extremely tired and on the verge of passing out. A female candidate realized what was happening. She called me into one of the dormitories, put me to sit in a chair and said, “just relax.” I had no idea what she was about to do but, in my state, I trusted her.

Approximately ten minutes later, I felt tiredness and stress leaving my body and I was entering into a sweet sleep until I almost fell off the chair. When she was finished, I had a new surge of energy that to this day I just cannot describe. She explained to me that she had just given me a Reiki treatment.

I had never heard of this before, but I was inquisitive enough to try to do research on it when, either by coincidence or divine intervention, I met Kathleen Hurley who gave me a full tutorial on Reiki. I became excited; especially at the fact that I could do self-treatments.

The rest is now history; I did my first degree in May 2004 and my second degree in October 2004.
I give Reiki my full endorsement!

Wendy Knight-Hunte
Vice President
Barbados Reiki Association

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