Dear Reiki Friend:

Notice of Annual General Meeting

This is to advise you of the Barbados Reiki Association’s 11th Annual General Meeting, as required by the Constitution

of the Association. All Reiki initiates are invited to the meeting. Please put these details into your diary.

Date: Thursday 7th February 2013

Time: 7pm

Place: Harrison’s College, Assembly Hall. Entry through Roebuck or Crompton Street. Parking next to the Hall.

I would be grateful if you could print out the following documents and bring them with you to the meeting. ( AGM documents 2013 [ZIP])

1. Agenda for AGM

2. Minutes of AGM 2012

3. Constitution

4. Draft Code of Practice

5. Nomination Form for new Board Members

6. Proxy Vote Form

Please remember that you can only vote if you are a member in good financial standing. To facilitate this, the Treasurer will be available to accept your subscriptions ($50.00) half an hour before the AGM commences.

If you have not already done so, would you kindly let the Secretary, Juliette Rudder, know if you are attending. Please e-mail

Traditionally, we have a few eats and drinks after the formal business meeting so if you are coming, we would greatly appreciate a small contribution of a food or drink item for the Mingle afterwards.

As a Reiki initiate, whether a practicing professional or whether delivering Reiki to family and friends, it is important to have the support of an Association which is setting standards for practice, utilising a Code of Ethics and Practice, educating members on current local initiatives as well as new resources, creating a pool of volunteers for ad hoc events, providing opportunities for members to inter-act and disseminate knowledge; inter-act with other formal Reiki bodies in the Caribbean; and last, but not least, provide opportunities to practice Reiki through group healings at monthly meetings (the first Thursday of any month). I therefore encourage you to attend in February, register and pay the modest annual due of $50.

We thank you for your continued support of the Association.

With blessings



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