Dear Reiki Friend,

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Barbados Reiki Association Inc. will be held on

 Thursday 1st February 2024 

at St. Barnabas Church Hall, starting at 7:00 p.m.  

All Reiki initiates who are members of the Association are encouraged to attend.  The association is also offering newcomers to join at this event.

Light refreshments will be provided after the Meeting, we look forward to seeing you there. To assist with catering, it would be greatly appreciated if you could confirm your intention to attend by return email or WhatsApp at 269-3493. Thank you.

Please be reminded that only members who have paid their annual subscription fee of BDS$50 will be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

Since activities of the association have been on pause between 2020 and November 2023, we all restart in 2024 with our membership fee. The fees for 2020-2023 were waived.

We are attaching the membership application to be completed as well as a copy of the Codes of Ethics (to be signed by each member) and brought to the meeting including the membership fee of $50. Payment has to be done before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting. New members also need proof of certification when applying for membership.

Please note that the AGM agenda is attached, along with the 2020 AGM minutes, the membership form plus Codes of EthicsCodes of Practice, and the ballot for Directors nominations.

For Reiki Masters/Teachers please also hand in a signed copy of the Codes of Practice.

When you arrive at St. Barnabas, please call Eugene 241-8159 or Pat 823-5363 to let you into the building.

Thank you so very much for your participation and cooperation.

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