I am pleased to invite you to attend the 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Barbados Reiki Association on Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 at 7:00 pm at The Main Guard (Clock Tower), The Garrison, St. Michael.  Please find attached the Agenda for the AGM. All Reiki initiates are invited to the meeting. Please do come out so that you can find out what the Association is doing to promote Reiki in Barbados and offer any guidance you may care to.  There is ample parking.  Refreshments will be served.

The Association’s Board of Directors for the period February 2012 to January 2013 will be elected at the meeting.  The seven posts to be filled are noted on the Agenda.  Only members of the Association in good financial standing may vote.  If you are trained and initiated in the Reiki method of healing, this would be a great opportunity for you to become a member of the Association.  The Treasurer will be available before the start of the meeting to accept the annual membership fee of BDS$50.00.

If you have not been practising Reiki, you will find that our monthly meetings will offer you an excellent opportunity to reconnect to the method and be part of our Reiki family.  We share group Reiki healing at each meeting.  In fact, in 2011, we restructured our meetings to give this session more prominence, by starting with group healing and extending the length of the session.  We also included “Reiki only” evenings, some of which were open to family and friends. We also offer Reiki education and host an Annual Retreat for Reiki initiates in October.  We participate in health and wellness fairs throughout the year to spread knowledge and understanding of Reiki and host a Complementary Health Fair annually in June.  We also produce a quarterly e-newsletter, Healing Hands.

We encourage you to come out to the AGM, join the Association and grow your understanding and practice of Reiki in 2011.

Kind regards

Sonia Johnson
Barbados Reiki Association

Note: Please contact the association for copies of minutes, the code of ethics, nomination forms and ballots.

Invocation: Greetings and Exchange of Energy

Item 1: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 03 February 2011

Item 2: Matters Arising from the Minutes

Item 3: Adoption of the Code of Ethics of the Barbados Reiki Association

Item 4: Report by the President for the period February 2011 to January 2012

Item 5: Report on the Association’s Online Activities for the period by Sharon Hurley Hall

Item 6: Presentation of Financial Statement by the Treasurer – Financial Year 2011

Item 7: Election of Board of Directors for February 2012 to January 2013

  • Positions to be filled:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • One Director for one year
  • One Director for two years

Note1: The Constitution calls for two one-year Directors. One of these is already in
place, that person being the two-year Director on the current Committee.

Note 2: Only members in good financial standing shall be allowed to vote

Item 8: Any Other Business

Item 9: Closing with the Energy Circle


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