Contact the President



Dear Reiki Friends,

I am delighted to provide some more information on the 6th Annual Caribbean Reiki Gathering, which will be held in Antigua from October 16-19th., 2014. Here’s the latest update from Winthrop Wiltshire of the Grenada Association.

The Sixth Caribbean Reiki Gathering will be held in Antigua at Sugar Ridge Hotel from Thursday October 16th at 6p.m to Sunday October 19th at noon. All Reiki initiates [1st degree, second degree and Reiki masters] are eligible to attend.

The first five Caribbean Reiki Gatherings in Barbados [2009] Grenada [2010] Jamaica [2011] Trinidad [2012] and Dominica [2013] were beautiful experiences for all who participated.

The hotel room rate at Sugar Ridge is US$113.75 inclusive of breakfast for single occupancy and US$169 for double occupancy. A 12.5% tax and 10% service charge are added to hotel charges.

A conference fee of US$175 per participant is payable. This fee is towards payment of dinner on Thursday and Friday evenings, lunch on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th, refreshment breaks, conference room costs and transportation costs for the field trip on Saturday 18th, on which day the Gathering activities will be held away from the hotel. Participants will be responsible for dinner on Saturday night.

Hotel reservations are to be made directly with the hotel, ideally before September 15, attention Jolie Watkins at, telephone 268 562 7700 ext. 307. When booking, please indicate that the reservation is to attend the Reiki Conference.

The Barbados Reiki Association will be handling the registration process for local participants. Please email for the attention of our Treasurer, Eugene Holder,  if you are interested in attending. Please submit your registration form [download it here ] as soon as possible thereafter.

The Caribbean Reiki Gathering is always a wonderful and empowering experience and it’s great to connect with Reiki practitioners from around the region. I hope to see you there.


Sharon Hurley Hall

President, Barbados Reiki Association

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