Dear Members

Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Barbados Reiki Association Inc will be held on Thursday 7th February, 2019. All reiki initiates who are members of the Association are encouraged to attend. Attached for your information is a copy of the Notice of Meeting and Agenda of items that will be discussed. Light refreshments will be provided after the Meeting, we look forward to seeing you there. To assist with catering, it would be greatly appreciated if you could confirm your intention to attend by return email or whatsapp to 822-7145.

Please be reminded that only members who have paid their annual subscription fee of BDS$50 will be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Members who have not yet paid for the year 2019 will be able to do so on the evening before the commencement of the Meeting.

Attachments include

Notice of BRA AGM- Feb 2019

Minutes of AGM held 1 February 2018


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