Contact the President



Why Join?
As a Reiki practitioner, you are missing a lot if you are not a member of the Barbados Reiki Association. Here are some good reasons to join:

  1. Adhere to a common Code of Ethics. When you join the Association, you sign the Association’s Code of Ethics, which binds you to a community of common ethical practices that lets the world know what ethical standards you maintain as a Reiki initiate.
  2.  Connect to a community that is like a family. The Reiki family in Barbados is here to support its members.  We regularly organize group healing sessions, receive email requests for distance healing and send healing to persons in need.
  3. Keep your Reiki practice alive and vibrant. We meet on the first Thursday in every month and our meetings start with group healing. This is a great motivator.
  4. Share the gift of Reiki healing with others. Our public outreach takes members out into the community to share information on Reiki healing and offer mini treatments.
  5. Participate in organized Reiki events. We host an annual Reiki Retreat for practitioners and a Holistic Health Fair, which brings together practitioners of many modalities for an exciting showcase of their products and services. Retreatbeach
  6.  Adhere to our Standards of Practice for Professional Practitioners. Add security and credibility to your practice by committing to our standards for offering Reiki treatments to the public. You may include the text “Professional Practitioner Member of the Barbados Reiki Association” on your letterhead, business cards, flyers and website.
  7. Benefit from industry representation. The Association is a proactive voice for practitioners in Barbados. We are your voice in discussions with regulatory bodies, representing and protecting your interests.
  8. Get free advertising. All professional practitioner members are listed on our website., where persons seeking Reiki treatments in Barbados cab find you more directly.